QUID – Quality, Inclusion & Digitalization

Warsaw Montessori High School teachers participate in the QUID project co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission.
What is QUID about?
QUID – Quality, Inclusion & Digitalisation is a two year Project, running from February 2022 to January 2024, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.
It is implemented by a consortium of nine partners from six countries: Italy, Türkiye, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Malta.
The QUID project will respond to the needs of the digital transformation of training courses, allowing Teachers to acquire the articulated skills of the Educational Innovation Consultant.
Jakie są cele projektu QUID ?
- To favour the methodological and technological upskilling of European teachers from 6 countries (IT, TR, ES, PT, PL, MT), to conceive, design and deliver integrated digital teaching paths for personal empowerment by enhancing the resilience, flexibility and adaptation to change skills that are essential for a motivated and conscious evolution towards the role of Educational Innovation Advisor.
- To increase and maintain over time an articulated set of distinctive and emerging skills of a didactic, digital and design nature of the Teacher 4.0 called to work with a high degree of autonomy and continuity.
- To encourage the systematic adoption of technical methods and tools of an inclusive, integrated, digital, didactic approach by developing and disseminatinga Toolkit to inspire and guide the professional action of future Educational Innovation Advisors.
- To establish lasting agreements and synergies between schools, methodological and technological innovation training poles and public bodies to adopt the train-the-trainer framework developed by the project and support sustainability and the pursuit of excellence in the development of learning and teaching.
What are the expected results of the QUID project?
✓ The adoption of the train-the-trainer program,
✓ Jointly developed Open Educational Resources
✓ Jointly developed and applied Educational Innovation Toolkit
✓ The constitution of a Transnational Network of European Teachers
✓ Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding

More about QUID project in the presentation below.

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