The International Extended Essay Exchange

September  22nd  IBDP students participated in the International Extended Essay Exchange. Extended Essay is an obligatory piece of writing (4000 words long) for the IB diploma. 11 schools from all over the world took part in this event. Students and coordinators shared their experience with  how to write a good extended essay.  Here some student’s reflection

„ It was really helpful to hear each student’s experience of researching about their respective topics and the sources they accessed for their EE. As students who’re about to embark on this process, this piece of info would really clarify a lot of things for us”.

„It gave me a lot of inspiration and inspired hearing what other students around the world did and how they researched and how they got their research question and the most important thing that I learnt was that your EE is your journey not another’s so don’t let others tell you what to take!”

our schools

  • Toddlers
    age: 12m - 2,5

    • Montessori Toddler School
      ul. Tatrzańska 5a,
      00-742 Warszawa
    • Montessori Toddler School
      ul. Badowska 19,
      00-752 Warszawa
    age: 2,5 – 5/6

    • Casa dei Bambini Warsaw Montessori
      ul. Badowska 19,
      00-752 Warszawa
    • Casa dei Bambini Izabelin
      ul. Szkolna 16,
      05-080 Izabelin
  • schools
    age: 5/6 – 18

    • Warsaw Montessori School
      ul. Szwoleżerów 4,
      00-464 Warszawa
    • Warsaw Montessori Middle School
      ul. Tatrzańska 5a,
      00-742 Warszawa
    • Warsaw Montessori High School
      ul. Pytlasińskiego 13a,
      00-777 Warszawa
    • Montessori Farm School
      Białka 155,
      21-300 Białka