September in High School
One day in September the 1st grade students of Warsaw Montessori High School went to Katowice in order to see the exhibition curated by Anda Rottenberg Perspective of Adolescence. Szapocznikow-Wróblewski-Wajda in Museum Sląskie.
The idea of the exhibition invokes the problems and attitudes of several generations whose adolescence coincided with time of cruelty and social unrest.
What brought these artists together is not only the time in which they lived, the WWII but also the tragic loss of the artists’ fathers.
Also in September we hosted a Dutch students who toured Poland. Students worked together in groups in order to find out what stereotypes exist in both countries.
Next day we went to the Jewish cemetery and cleaned one neglected grave. The guide showed us old and new graves, for example the tombs of the inventor of Esperanto dr. Ludwik Zamenhof and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising commander dr. Marek Edelman.