Erasmus + Erdkinder Montessori for Adolescents training in Neveshir, Turkey

During the first days in September Ewa Stawecka, our new IB Program Director, together with Janek Opawski, a 1st year student of Warsaw Montessori High School took part in the Erasmus + Erdkinder Montessori for Adolescents training event in Neveshir, Turkey.

Participants from the Czech Republic, Romania, Greece and Turkey shared their experiences and visions on “children of the earth” education.

Sessions were held in a well equipped Toki Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi High School. We were cordially  received by the director of the School and by all the teachers who spent some time with us as they were curious about our way of teaching methods. Sessions, among others were on Turkish National Educational System, teaching science at a Montessori School in the Czech Republic and etc. In the end, each representative was recorded while presenting his or her school.

Personally, I was impressed by the winner of “The Best Teacher of the Year” award

Fatma  Gumustekin who organized a Monetssori Toddlers rooms in the school.

We also had a chance to see some historical sites of Cappadocia, like a UNESCO World Heritage Goreme Open Air Museum or Selime monastery.

Our wonderful guide Ali GOZUBEK bent over backwards to make us feel great.

We returned empowered by the fact that Montessori Family is growing and uniting people.

our schools

  • Toddlers
    age: 12m - 2,5

    • Montessori Toddler School
      ul. Tatrzańska 5a,
      00-742 Warszawa
    • Montessori Toddler School
      ul. Badowska 19,
      00-752 Warszawa
    age: 2,5 – 5/6

    • Casa dei Bambini Warsaw Montessori
      ul. Badowska 19,
      00-752 Warszawa
    • Casa dei Bambini Izabelin
      ul. Szkolna 16,
      05-080 Izabelin
  • schools
    age: 5/6 – 18

    • Warsaw Montessori School
      ul. Szwoleżerów 4,
      00-464 Warszawa
    • Warsaw Montessori Middle School
      ul. Tatrzańska 5a,
      00-742 Warszawa
    • Warsaw Montessori High School
      ul. Pytlasińskiego 13a,
      00-777 Warszawa
    • Montessori Farm School
      Białka 155,
      21-300 Białka