International Translation Day
Last Friday, according to our long-standing tradition, we celebrated the International Translation Day at WMHS, during which we hosted Ms Anna Górecka – a Hungarian philologist and translator of Hungarian literature. Ms Anna is known for her excellent translations of both poetry and prose written by Hungarian classics as well as contemporary authors such as: Imre Kertész, Frigyes Karinthy, Lajos Parti Nagy, Anikó Polgár and Géza Csáth.
Ms Anna delivered a fascinating lecture in which she highlighted the most important competences and skills that a good translator should have. She also talked to the students about the challenges that every translator faces and pointed out features that make a translation good and interesting.
After the meeting, pre-IB students had the opportunity to put their newly acquired knowledge into practice by participating in a competition in which their task was to translate William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130 from English into their native language.